Saturday 3 January 2015

Windows 10 Release Date

Windows 10 Release Date – Rumors and Latest Developments of Microsoft’s Error-Free OS

Windows 10 is the latest creation from Microsoft.
When its previous release Windows 8 was launched, many came out to criticize it and the company was swift to move in with improvements and modifications in their later version of Windows 8.1. However, just like with the previous version of Windows 8, this model also featured a number of problems and it is for this reason that Microsoft has gone ahead to completely get rid of the idea of Windows 8 and usher in a new operating system in the shape of Windows 10.
Windows 10 is an Alternative to Windows 7 and not Windows 8
One major thing that led to the development of Windows 8 was the fact that Microsoft wanted its users to dump Windows 7 and start embracing their latest developments; a goal that failed to materialize as many opted back to using Windows 7 after discovering the many faults and errors associated with using Windows 8.
In essence, Windows 10 has been created to help those using Windows 7 finally get to use the latest software in the world of IT.
Latest Windows 10 Version Fixes 1300 Bugs from Preview Version
As earlier noted, Windows 10 was developed to help users of Windows 7 and not Windows 8 since Microsoft has completely done away with the idea of Windows 8. When many noticed the many similarities between Windows 10 and Windows 7, they downloaded the preview version of the OS and tried it out.
It is through these user tests that the OS was discovered to have around 1300 bugs and errors; all of which have been fixed in the latest version of Windows 10. According to the MS Windows blog, more than 1.5 million users had downloaded and tested the preview version of Windows 10 and it is from their reports that Microsoft has worked out to fix the many errors discovered in the OS.
Just by launching the preview version of the OS, Microsoft was able to attract such a large number of people and with this, it is a sure sign of the success this OS is expected to have immediately it’s launched.
Error-Free Windows 10 Coming Soon
Microsoft is determined to use the data collected from Windows Insider Program in developing an error-free OS that would ensure free working as well as unite all Windows devices on a single platform that is common to all, Windows 10. Furthermore, it is also expected that the latest release of Windows 10 will do away with the frequent blue screen issues reported in the preview version.
The frequent crashes were caused by the more than 1300 bugs and errors reported and with Microsoft reportedly working on fixing them, the latest release will be quite amazing to use.
You can be part of this Windows Insider Program and test the preview version of the OS and give your views about the same. Even though the specific date of release is still unknown, it is not expected to go beyond January of 2015.


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