Wednesday 14 January 2015

Micromax's Yu Yureka First Sale: 10,000 Units Go Out of Stock in 3 Seconds

Micromax's Yu Yureka First Sale: 10,000 Units Go Out of Stock in 3 Seconds



Micromax's Yu Yureka smartphone, as expected, went on sale on Tuesday via Amazon India and the company announced it took just 3 seconds for the smartphone to be listed as 'out of stock'.

The firm announced the news on the @Yuplaygod Twitter account. The company last month had confirmed that it will sell the new Cyanogen OS-based smartphone, along the the lines of Xiaomi's flash sales, and announced an exclusive partnership with Amazon India. Notably, Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma had recently revealed that the company received 3 lakh registrations for the first sale.With just 10,000 units of for grabs, Micromax's Yu Yureka was clearly in heavy demand and saw some steep reactions from consumers on social platforms.
Much like Xiaomi, Micromax's Yu Yureka after its lightning deal (a term for a flash sale being used by Micromax) also faced waves of Twitter outage.

Some of the users complained of errors and even a site crash during the first sale for Micromax's Yu Yureka on Amazon India.

 Exclusive link here:-




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